

書籍出版 A02班

[すべて] [A01の成果] [A02の成果] [A03の成果] 

  1. T. Yamauchi, N. Sugimoto, Development and Application of a Highly Efficient Protein Synthesis Technique Using Riboswitches in Microorganisms, Applied RNA Bioscience , Springer, 33-46
    Tags: 杉本A02
  2. Katahira, M. and Mashima, T., Introduction to Nucleic Acids NMR, Encyclopedia of Biophysics 2nd Edition, Springer, 2018, in press.
    Tags: 片平 A02
  3. 田中成典、量子生命科学の展望、実験医学、35(14)、2423-2427 (2017)
    Tags: 田中 A02
  4. 田中成典、スーパーコンピュータによるウイルス変異のメカニズム解析、「In silico創薬におけるスクリーニングの高速化・高精度化技術」第2章第5節、168-176(技術情報協会、2018)
    Tags: 田中 A02
  5. 田中成典、計算分子生物学:物質科学からのアプローチ、(物質・材料テキストシリーズNo. 13、内田老鶴圃、2018)
    Tags: 田中 A02
  6. 建石寿枝, 杉本直己, 第4章 遺伝子診断の新手法, CSJカレントレビュー「医療・診断・創薬の化学」(化学同人), 24, 69-77 (2017)
    Tags: 杉本A02
  7. 建石寿枝、杉本直己, 15章 新しい核酸医薬システムの構築, CSJカレントレビュー「生命機能に迫る分子化学(化学同人), 30, 136-143  (2018)
    Tags: 杉本A02
  8. Kita, M.; Kigoshi, H.; Discovery and use of natural products and derivatives as chemical probes. in The Discovery and Utility of Chemical Probes in Target Discovery, Eds. Brennan, P; Rodriguez, S. V. (The Royal Society of Chemistry), pp.124-149 (2020). DOI: 10.1039/9781839160745-00124.
    Tags: 北A02 
  9. Inaba, H.; Matsuura, K., Functional peptide nanocapsules self-assembled from b-annulus peptides, In: Ryadnov M. (eds) Polypeptide Materials. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2208. Humana, New York, pp.101-121 (2021). DOI: 10.1007/978-1-0716-0928-6_7.
    Tags: 松浦A02
  10. Y. Mochizuki, S. Tanaka, and K. Fukuzawa, ed., “Recent Advances of the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method: Enhanced Performance and Applicability” (Springer, Singapore, 2021) 616 pages
    Tags: 田中 A02
  11. E.B. Starikov, B. Norden, and S. Tanaka, ed., “Entropy-Enthalpy Compensation: Finding a Methodological Common Denominator through Probability, Statistics, and Physics” (Jenny Stanford Publishing, Singapore, 2021). 398 pages
    Tags: 田中 A02
  12. 田中成典: フラグメント分子軌道法に基づく分子間相互作用解析、 実験医学別冊「創薬研究のための相互作用解析パーフェクト」(津本浩平、前仲勝実編集、羊土社、2021年)pp. 258-268.
    Tags: 田中 A02
  13. A. Nishiyama, S. Tanaka, and J.A. Tuszynski, Nonequilibrium Quantum Brain Dynamics, in “Advances in Quantum Chemistry”, Vol. 82, “Quantum Boundaries of Life”, edited by R.R. Poznanski and E.J. Brandas (Academic Press, 2020) pp. 159-180.
    Tags: 田中 A02
  14. 栗﨑以久男、田中成典: ATPによるタンパク質凝集体溶解の分子メカニズム、 細胞、Vol. 53、No. 6 (2020) pp. 41-44.
    Tags: 田中 A02
  15. E.B. Starikov, K. Shimamura, S. Matsunaga, and S. Tanaka, Polynomial Exploratory Factor Analysis on Molecular Dynamics Trajectory of Ras-GAP System: A Possible Theoretical Approach to Enzyme Engineering, in “Entropy-Enthalpy Compensation: Finding a Methodological Common Denominator through Probability, Statistics, and Physics”, edited by E.B. Starikov, B. Norden, and S. Tanaka, Chap. 2, pp. 239-377 (Jenny Stanford Publishing, Singapore, 2021).
    Tags: 田中 A02
  16. 田中成典: 量子と生命、 現代思想、Vol. 48、No. 2(2020年2月号、青土社)pp. 97-107.
    Tags: 田中 A02
  17. K. Fukuzawa, S. Tanaka, Y. Yagi, N. Kurita, N. Kawashita, K. Takaba, and T. Honma, FMO Drug Design Consortium, in “Recent Advances of the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method: Enhanced Performance and Applicability”, edited by Y. Mochizuki, S. Tanaka, and K. Fukuzawa (Springer, Singapore, 2021) pp. 127-181.
    Tags: 田中 A02
  18. Y. Mochizuki, T. Nakano, K. Sakakura, Y. Okiyama, H. Watanabe, K. Kato, Y. Akinaga, S. Sato, J. Yamamoto, K. Yamashita, T. Murase, T. Ishikawa, Y. Komeiji, Y. Kato, N. Watanabe, T. Tsukamoto, H. Mori, K. Okuwaki, S. Tanaka, A. Kato, C. Watanabe, and K. Fukuzawa, The ABINIT-MP Program, in “Recent Advances of the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method: Enhanced Performance and Applicability”, edited by Y. Mochizuki, S. Tanaka, and K. Fukuzawa (Springer, Singapore, 2021) pp. 53-67.
    Tags: 田中 A02
  19. S. Tanaka, Comparison of Various Fragmentation Methods for Quantum Chemical Calculations of Large Molecular Systems, in “Recent Advances of the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method: Enhanced Performance and Applicability”, edited by Y. Mochizuki, S. Tanaka, and K. Fukuzawa (Springer, Singapore, 2021) pp. 15-27.
    Tags: 田中 A02
  20. S. Tanaka, Fragment Molecular Orbital Method as Cluster Expansion, in “Recent Advances of the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method: Enhanced Performance and Applicability”, edited by Y. Mochizuki, S. Tanaka, and K. Fukuzawa (Springer, Singapore, 2021) pp. 3-14.
    Tags: 田中 A02
  21. Y. Okiyama, K. Fukuzawa, Y. Komeiji, and S. Tanaka, Taking Water into Account with the Fragment Molecular Orbital Method, in “Quantum Mechanics in Drug Discovery”, edited by A. Heifetz, Methods in Molecular Biology vol. 2114 (Humana Press, New York, NY) Chap. 7, pp. 105-122. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-0282-9_7
    Tags: 田中 A02